«Le Chapeau» è un’azienda artigianale forlivese che produce cappelli di ogni genere e accessori per l’abbigliamento. L’azienda produce per negozi, boutique e marchi di alta moda. Da sempre privilegia il connubio tra «qualità» e «idea»: elevata qualità dei materiali e autentica ispirazione artistica presenti in ogni creazione; una scelta, questa, che è valsa a tributarle successo e apprezzamento anche presso il grande pubblico, in Italia come all’estero.
Scopri lo stile e il tocco de Le Chapeau
CEO - Le Chapeau
Patrizia Valmori was born in Forlì on June 10, 1955. She come swhit artistic training after higt school, attended the Dams of Bologna. Was intended to attend the university of architecture but the family wanted me to follow the road to a safe place as mother used to post office. Stubbornness of Patrizia did that she chose his own way.
The principle of work as an employee of the company Chapeau deals whit the administration, but every day whit their aye is eager to learn the art of the work of the hat.
After 5 years in hand takes the company and bank course whit immense sacrifice and without savings invested every things’ have to conduct the splendor of the company today.
Scopri lo stile e il tocco de Le Chapeau
News dal mondo Le Chapeau
The beginnings
September 10, 2000
Le Chapeau was born in Forlì, from an idea of Patrizia Valmori, an artisan with a strong personality and a great passion for hats.
The first successes
25 maggio 2006
The models of Le Chapeau increasingly meet the taste of the great fashion houses. The ability to adapt the completely manual made in Italy manufacturing process to the needs and tastes of modernity makes this reality a trademark ...
Le Chapeau in the main fashion magazines
Over the years our small works of art end up on the pages of fashion magazines ...
The great fashion houses
Over the years Le Chapeau has begun to collaborate with some of the most famous high fashion houses.
The exhibition
March 2019
"What goes through our heads" is the title of the solo exhibition at Palazzo Monte di Pietà in Forlì which collects a series of artistic hats made over the years by Le Chapeau.